River Valley Greenscapes

Beautiful Sustainable Landscapes Designed, Installed, and Managed

Featured Products

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    Landscape Design, Stonework, and Installation

    Beautiful, eco-friendly landscapes that will bloom through three seasons. We specialize in plant-selection that is climate-resilient and contributes to our surrounding ecosystem.

  • Food Forests and Edible Landscapes

    Food Forests, Home Gardens, and Edible Landscapes

    Enjoy fresh fresh fruit, herbs, and vegetables grown on your own land with our perennial food-forests and seasonal produce plots. We design our edible landscapes for abundance and convenience.

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    Erosion Control, Flood Mitigation, and Soil Building

    We can reverse and prevent the effects of flooding, runoff, and erosion. Well built soil with good carbon content and attention to slope is the key to a resilient landscape.


  • We specialize in eco-friendly gardens that prioritize pollinators and native plants with progressive blooms through all three seasons.

  • There’s never been a better time to grow your own food. Our temperate Appalachian climate provides abundant possibilities to grow fruits, herbs, and vegetables right at home. Let us design and plant a bountiful landscape for you.

  • Weather extremes necessitate careful consideration so that landscapes are not only beautiful but also resistant to flood and drought. We can fix and prevent stress from the elements on your landscape so you can weather the weather worry free.

Get in touch

Now is the perfect time to get compost, mulch, and weed suppression layers down so get in touch today and stay ahead of the seasons this year.

Contact Jared at rivervalleygreenscapes@gmail.com, or call 201-452-0207 to get started with River Valley Greenscapes today.